For the Days You Want to Sing the Blues

There are days I feel sad and unmotivated. Maybe you can relate?

Life, and what’s going on, will contribute to my mood. But, my mood is just that—the way I feel today. And today won’t last forever.

The thing about moods is, they change…and often.

While one day I might feel like singing the blues, the next day I may be humming a different tune.

So, today, I’m sharing at 5 Minutes for Faith what gets me through the I-feel-sad-and-don’t-want-to-do-anything-days. Will you join me there?

In Christ,

Photo credit: Stock photo: In the Window


  1. Change your focus... it is amazing how your mood, or outlook on life, can shift if you simply pivot on your foot at look at it from a different angle. Thanks Laura, great post!


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