Unlovable, but Always Loved

Photo credit: Stock photo: Love 4
There are days I know I’m not all that likable.

I’m irritable and I snap at loved ones. I’m not particularly nice to neighbors and co-workers or others I encounter during the day. I go the opposite way of where God is leading—and it’s not pretty.

On those days, I don’t feel all that loveable, and on particularly down-right awful days, the enemy can get me questioning God’s love. Thankfully, during those worst times, I have friends who remind me that nothing can separate me from God’s love.

Have you been there? If you’re having one of those down-and-dirty days and questioning God’s love for you, can I be the friend who reminds you today?

Nothing can take away God’s love for you. Nothing.
And I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from God’s love. Neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither our fears for today nor our worries about tomorrow—not even the powers of hell can separate us from God’s love. No power in the sky above or in the earth below—indeed, nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate us from the love of God that is revealed in Christ Jesus our Lord. Romans 8:38-39 NLT (emphasis mine)
Our actions and behavior may not be lovable, but God always loves us. It’s not in Him to stop loving us. He is love.

I know the thought, but this is really bad…He can’t love me after this.

Yes, He can. And He will. Because we were already at our worst when God sent His only Son, Jesus into the world to save us.
When we were utterly helpless, Christ came at just the right time and died for us sinners. Now, most people would not be willing to die for an upright person, though someone might perhaps be willing to die for a person who is especially good.  But God showed his great love for us by sending Christ to die for us while we were still sinners. Romans 5:6-8 NLT (emphasis mine)
That’s right, we were already sinful when God showed how much He loves us…so, how could He not love us now?

Be assured—He does love us now.

He loved you yesterday. He loves you today. And He will love you tomorrow.

Even on your less-than-loveable days.

In Christ,


  1. Beautiful truths here!! Thank you!

  2. Oh yes, beautiful truth! He loves me (and YOU)!

  3. Something we always need to remember to focus on, He Loves us. Laura did you link up with Coffee from your heart which had the theme You are loved this week?

    1. Yes, I did, thanks for asking. And thanks for stopping by! God bless!

  4. I love this (and love you!) Such a sweet reminder that we need to hear ALL. THE. TIME (especially on those days when we just aren't very loveable)

    Thanks for being you, Laura. Seriously. And appreciate your support of the #EverydayJesus link up :-)

  5. Laura,
    I love the fact that there is nothing we can do to remove Gods greatness! He remains the same even we sin. He is so perfect that it is hard to grasp. Wow! He will redeem us, and smother us in His perfect, abundant, great, love! Thank you for the encouragement!

  6. I loved this, Laura. Thanks for sharing it for WholeHearted Wednesdays.

  7. I have been there, and this really encouraged me tonight. So glad I stopped by to finally leave a comment.... Thanks for linking up at Thought-Provoking Thursday last week. :)


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