I am Tested, yet Unbreakable

Welcome, I’m posting at Gloria Dei Lutheran Church today where I’m talking about the storms in life—the trials that have the power to take us down. If we choose to turn inward, relying on ourselves, they just might overtake us.

But when we lean in to God, relying on His strength and protection, He’ll use the trying times to bring us closer to Him.

Below is the beginning of my post. I hope you’ll follow me over to Gloria Dei to read it in its entirety.

“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” John 16:33 NIV

In this world you will have trouble.

Jesus didn’t say we might have trouble, or if we have trouble. He said we will have trouble. So, we shouldn’t be surprised when it comes our way.

Every day, we struggle with something…grief, worry and anxiety, addictions, finances (good and bad), natural disasters, family riffs, and pure evil.

Some trials come from our own choices, while others are completely out of our control. But every day, we are tested. And in that testing, we face temptations and a choice. Do we turn to our own strengths or do we lean in to God and rely on Him?

To read more, please join me at Gloria Dei...

In Christ,


  1. Great topic for the tumultuous season we are in right now! Is it just me, or does every week seem to bring new crisis on the news?

  2. Loved it! Left you a comment over at Gloria Dei....!

  3. Hi Laura, Thankbyou for the encouragement! Trials are indeed a part of our journey here on earth - times where we need to get our strength from God, keep on trusting and rely on His plan for our lives! Have a blessed week! Nina


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