Over the past months, Holley Gerth’s God-sized dream team
has been getting together to support and encourage each other. Our time
together is winding down and this week is our last link-up. But our God-sized
dream journeys will continue. This week’s prompt from Holley is…
We’ve been walking the path of God-sized dreams
together for a few months now. Will you share an update with us about your
dream? Let us know where you are with it–the happy and the hard. Tell us how we
can pray for you and your dream too.
I began this journey a little unsure of
what my dream was. I had always wanted to write, and I was already doing that…I
really didn’t know what else to dream.
As the team began, Holley coached us
through identifying our skills and strengths, and how we dreamed of using them.
I had never thought of myself as an encourager, but all of a sudden, that
thought was taking hold through comments I received in person and on blog
It was then I started to realize God was
showing me a new dream—one He was already planting in my heart.
I want women to know and experience a personal
relationship with Christ. And I want to cheer them on in their journey, by
expressing hope and encouragement through caring, sensitive, and honest words.
What all this will encompass, I don’t know for sure, but I
feel like maybe He’s leading me in these directions…
-to continue writing—on my blog and in guest posts, and
possibly that will lead to freelance writing.
-to encourage women to be in God’s word by hosting online
Bible studies.
-to grow my leadership skills, and maybe one day speak to
women and groups.
-to write a book sharing my journey in faith.
Do these scare me? Yes. Some more than others.
But, if God is leading, then I know He’ll go before me and
prepare the way. And as the enemy attacks, I’ll keep reminding myself that
Satan works hard to keep us away from God’s will.
Do not be afraid or discouraged, for the
Lord will personally go ahead of you. He will be with you; he will neither fail
you nor abandon you.
31:8 NLT
Prayers for self-discipline and obedience to follow God’s
lead and for strength to withstand the enemy’s attacks would be appreciated.
How can I pray for you today?

In Christ,
Linking up with Holley Gerth, WholeHearted Home, Winsome Wednesday, #TellHisStory, Thought Provoking Thursday, and Faith Filled Friday