Distractions and Focus

All week, I’ve thought about this chapter on focus (Chapter 1 in Finally Free by Kim Tabor), and yet all week, I’ve been distracted.

Too many things are competing for my attention…

Illness and exhaustion
Back pain and heating pads
Issues and arguments
Everyday responsibilities

…and I’m struggling to keep my eyes on Jesus.

But even while I’ve been overwhelmed, and not even sure of what to pray, God has ways of bringing my attention—my focus—back to Him and His goodness.

A perfectly timed message from a friend asking how I was and what she could pray for…was just what I needed.

New writing opportunities to consider…giving me something else to think about.

Someone putting this quote by Sarah Young in front of me…
“You are surrounded by a sea of problems, but you are face to Face with Me, your Peace. As long as you focus on Me, you are safe. If you gaze too long at the myriad problems around you, you will sink under the weight of your burdens. When you start to sink, simply call out ‘Help me, Jesus!’ and I will lift you up.” ~Sarah Young, Jesus Calling
…the reminder I needed at just the right time.

I don’t know where your focus is or what distractions you are facing, but is He trying to pull your attention back to Jesus too?

In Christ,


  1. I am right with you and appreciate your words and reminder in this post. Just yesterday I realized how much I was in my head, being batted back and forth and not centered on Christ. Today and yesterday I have spent more time in silence and solitude, just resting in Him and I am just now seeing hints of things coming back into focus. Slow down, rest in Him. is what I keep telling myself. Thanks for a great post, Laura

  2. Ya know...me too! SO much going on- so many things competing for my attention and yet...the acronym so perfect! Thanks, Laura.

  3. This was great & so on time! I was just saying I needed to declutter my mind. I love your image - it is awesome! I would love to put it on my Blogs sidebar - let me know. I also love jesus Calling - the only devotional thus far that my spirit responds to.

  4. Hi dear Laura
    I am sorry to hear you had a rough week. Yes, I have also learned that even when I take my eyes of Jesus and start to sink, He grabs ,y hand when I call out to Him!

  5. It's so easy to become distracted, isn't it. I want to keep my eyes on Jesus, to keep my focus on Him. Sorry to hear about your back pain. Praying that God will touch you with His healing power!

  6. Yes, this has been a week with all the things you listed except the back pain (that is gone, praise the Lord) and yet, I know God is there and these issues are there to bring me closer to Christ. Thanks for linking up over at WholeHearted Home this week.


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