Do You Know Who I Am? Online Study-Wk 10

Welcome! We're in Chapter 10 this week of Do You Know Who I Am? by Angela Thomas.

I am working on plans for the next study and hope to have the information posted in the next couple of weeks.

Blessings on your week!
In Christ,

Week 10 – July 8—14

Monday/Tuesday— Read the first half of Chapter 10 “Do You Know I Am Ordinary?...He Is My King and Father.”

Wednesday/Thursday—Read the second half of Chapter 10.

Remember to visit my blog during the week at Laura Rath ~ Journey in Faith.

Friday— Reflect back on the reading and spend time in prayer.

Questions to Ponder
·         What do you do when you start feeling the enemy’s attacks on your confidence and self-worth?
·         Are you able to reject him quickly and turn to the promises of God?
·         “Satan preys on your weakest place.” (p. 170) How can remembering this help when you feel his attacks coming?


  1. I have felt the enemies attack on my self-worth often this past couple of weeks. However, remembering who I am in Christ has helped to combat his assaults.

    Speaking Scripture regarding our position in Christ also helps to strengthen our faith - especially during times when the enemy comes in for the assault and seeks to undermine our confidence in God.

    1. Hi Wendy!
      I have found that the more time I spend with God and strengthen my faith in the good times, the quicker I turn to Him in the rough and troubled times. I already know where to go, so when I'm struggling, it's natural for me to run to Him. The more I soak up God's Word in good times and in bad, the better I can recognize when the enemy is moving in to attack.

      Thanks for your comment!

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