Real with God

Welcome! It’s Five Minute Friday where Lisa-Jo offers a writing prompt and we write for 5 minutes. No editing and no over thinking. Today’s writing prompt: Real.

When do we learn to not be real? As girls, at what age do we discover that’s it’s not okay to be ourselves?

Society sets a standard that goes against what God wants. Our culture says to be who everyone else thinks we should be.

Fake. Pretty. Perfect.

Dishonest with ourselves and others.

As we talk to others, they ask how we are. We say “Fine. It’s all good.” That’s the answer society wants to hear. For if each of us becomes real and honest, someone might need to take notice or care.

Culturally, we are busy rushing around, busy trying to do it all, busy pushing our way to the top. We don’t know what to do with someone else’s transparency. How would we react if someone said, “Things are not fine!”

So, know this. There is One Who says come to Me. Be real with Me. Tell Me all that is on your mind. I want to know.

And when we’ve poured out our hearts to Him, our feelings, our hurts, our dreams…He holds us while we rest.

Then Jesus said, “Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest.” (Matthew 11:28 NLT)

We can be real with God. We should be real with God. And can I tell you something? Ready?

He already knows.

He already knows everything there is to know about you and me. Our dreams, our pain, our hearts, what we’ve done and haven’t done. There is nothing we can tell Him that will surprise Him or change His love for us.

And I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from God’s love. Neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither our fears for today nor our worries about tomorrow—not even the powers of hell can separate us from God’s love. (Romans 8:38 NLT)

With God we can be real. We can accept and soak up the love and comfort He covers us with. And we can let Him make us whole again.

In Christ,


  1. Amen, Laura. He does know, and He loves us despite our messes and imperfection. Thanks for showing us a glimpse of your real heart today!

  2. Amen. We don't need to try to fool God because that can't happen. It's wonderful to know He knows us even better than we know ourselves, and He still loves us and forgives us. Thank you for sharing.

    1. Charlotte, thank you for your visit and comment!

  3. Love it Sister Laura! Romans 8:38 is one of my favs! ~ Blessings, Amy

  4. Great 5 minute write, friend. Loved it! Enjoy your weekend soaking Him in :)

  5. A post that deeply blesses! I have been given the gift of "child-like wonder" in my heart. I see beauty in light prisms in my dishwater, I see His face in the budding of each new flower, and while, I humbly bow to the Lord of my life who saved me by His Grace and blood, I also have always, always gone to Him "just as I am". Climbed up in his loving arms and poured my heart out. This post excites me! My prayer has always been for others to come to Him, "just as they are" and find in doing so, the depth of HIS love. Blessings.

    1. Lynn, thank you for your visit & comment! God bless!

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. [Comment prior removed - spelling error! Sorry!]

    Great post Laura!

    QUOTE: "...Culturally, we are busy rushing around, busy trying to do it all, busy pushing our way to the top. We don’t know what to do with someone else’s transparency. How would we react if someone said, “Things are not fine!”...

    I asked someone how they were this past week (just a passing comment at the initial time of asking I admit) and therefore, I was surprised to hear that they were feeling really burnt out! They always seemed 'so together', so it was a real shock to learn that they were not coping very well! The woman's work load was way more than she could cope with, and she was feeling really worn out... She ranted about such for a good 15 minutes... all the time I was really needing to go to the bathroom but realised this woman needed an ear for someone to listen. I felt a bit helpless afterwards however, as I could not help her with her workload (different types of work)... I thought about baking her a cake that night to cheer her up by giving her it the next day but then I thought, I don't really know her and she may be offended! What could I do? I could pray for her... and so I have done.

    Yes, it is a shock when we ask someone how they are in passing and receive an answer which we were not expecting (or hoping we would get)! If we are going to ask, we sometimes need to be prepared to hear an honest answer!!!

    This was a lesson for me this week.

    1. Hi Wendy,
      I agree, sometimes it's hard to know how we can help someone who admits to not being fine. Depending on the person and the situation, we can ask the person how we can help. But sometimes I think we can help just by listening...not trying to jump in with ways to fix it (guys often do this), but just listen and validate the other person's feelings. This is what I need sometimes--just someone to listen and say "I understand." I have a feeling that you were of help to the woman simply by listening and letting her get her frustration out.
      Thanks so much for your comment today! I'm always glad to see you've stopped by!

  8. So comforting, the thought that "With God we can be real. We can accept and soak up the love and comfort He covers us with. And we can let Him make us whole again."
    Therefore we ought to be like Him, in allowing others to be real with us.

    So... good post, and even better advice to Wendy, just above. Sometimes the biggest and most important part of counseling is *listening*, often what the other person needs most, is to know someone cares and is "with them," in their difficulties, way more than any quick fix "solution" or instruction -- or anyone jumping in to *do* something for them. Blessings!

  9. I am reminded of a quote I once heard: "We have 2 ears and 1 mouth to remind us to listen twice as much as we speak!" Yes, both Sylvia and Laura have a good point - sometimes all a person wants is for someone to listen to them... I tend to want to "Do" things to be of help but "listening" is something important we can do for others too, i.e. being there for them in their need! Thanks for pointing this out :D

    1. Thank you Sylvia and Wendy, great conversation going on here! As we get comfortable with being real, with ourselves and others, I bet we'll get better at just listening and being there, as well as seeing where there is something we can help with.
      Blessings to you both,

  10. I've been enjoying the "real" posts. Caused me to do a bit of thinking on the word, too. Being real with God is one of the blessings of redemption!

    1. Hi Pamela, thanks for your visit and comment today! God bless!


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