Last week, I wrote
about being weary and worn out, but there’s a weariness I didn’t
mention…the weariness of waiting on God.
Hoping, trusting, and
praying for years and years, without seeing Him make changes…it makes me tired
and frustrated.
I’m talking about
real-life situations that can only be changed by the hand of God…praying for a
loved one to come to faith, a child to come back home, addictions to be broken,
marriages to be healed, love to be found, the list goes on.
I trust, and I hope,
and I pray…but some days I am tired of waiting for God to do something!
So, I wonder…is my
weariness of waiting on God my thorn?
Please don’t
misunderstand—I’m not saying that God’s timing or His ways are my thorn. What I’m
saying is that I can’t do this waiting thing on my own, and that’s my thorn.
Some days go well. I
trust God’s plan and I have faith that He will make the changes He sees
necessary in His perfect time. I know He has a purpose for my life and His
plans are worth waiting for.
Then there are other
days. When I bump into my thorn (what I am waiting for) and it hurts all over
again. Maybe you know the days I’m referring to…I’ve been hurt by the same
person or situation. Again. I’m discouraged and frustrated, and it’s leading me
to feel angry and fed up. With everyone and everything.
My thorn is inflicting
pain, and in my weariness of waiting, I’m tired and cranky, and I’ve started
questioning God.
can’t You see what’s happening here? Why don’t You change it? Why won’t You do
The enemy has me where
he wants me—doubting God. I’m tired of waiting, so if God’s not going to work
on the situation, it’s time to take it into my own hands, right?
What a dangerous path
I’m starting down. If I’m doubting God, who’s going to help me get through this
waiting? Not the enemy because he has me right where he wants me, and that’s a
place I don’t want to go.
So, with the pain of
my thorn, I turn to God, crying out my frustration to Him. I remember that I
can always trust Him, even when I don’t trust others.
But you, O Lord, are a God of compassion and mercy, slow to get angry and filled with unfailing love and faithfulness. Look down and have mercy on me. Give your strength to your servant; save me, the son of your servant. Send me a sign of your favor. Then those who hate me will be put to shame, for you, O Lord, help and comfort me. (Psalm 86:15-17 NLT)
God listens, consoles,
and strengthens me for the wait. He diffuses my anger before I react in a way
that will make everything worse. He knows my weaknesses, and He knows patience
is one of the many.
Satan will to use my
thorn to hurt me. But God will use it for good, if I let Him. Only God can turn
hearts and change the real-life situations. Only He can end the waiting. But in
and through the wait, my faith and trust in Him will grow deeper and stronger.
And maybe, just maybe, I’ll learn to wait patiently.
In Christ,
Linking up with On Your Heart Tuesday, WomenLiving Well Wednesday, Word FilledWednesday, Allume, Life in Bloom, and Thought ProvokingThursday.