Hope For When Your Hope Feels Lost

A few months ago, I wrote an article titled Hope Changes Everything. Shortly after I posted it on my own blog, it also ran on a website called Thoughts About God. There it received more exposure which led to comments and questions from readers in other countries.

The common question was…

How do I keep hoping when it feels like all hope is lost? {Tweet this}

That's not an easy question to answer. Everyone has to deal with something in life, whether it's in the past, going on right now, or something that will happen in the future. Everyone’s “something” is hard and the longer it goes on, it can feel like hope is fleeting. {Tweet this}

Without knowing individual situations, I tried to respond based on what I've learned in my own experiences…because sometimes just knowing someone else is also struggling makes a difference.

Maybe you've been asking the same question—how do I keep hoping when it feels like all hope is gone?

Please join me at Candidly Christian to continue reading where I'm sharing 4 Things I've Learned About Staying Hopeful...Hope For When Your Hope Feels Lost.

In Christ,

[Photo credit: Candidly Christian]

Linking up with: Purposeful Faith, #TeaAndWord, Trekking Thru, Let's Have Coffee, #porchstories, #RechargeWednesday, Sitting Among Friends#HeartEncouragement, #gracemoments, Grace & Truth, #FreshMarketFriday, Faith 'n Friends, #FaithonFire, #DestinationInspiration, #BVNetworkParty

3 Prayers for Today

I think a lot about manna. You know, the unidentifiable food substance God provided for the Israelites in the desert. Every morning, it sat on the ground with the morning dew and the Israelites were to gather just enough for that day.

Every day, God gave them what they needed, just enough for one day at a time so the Israelites would learn to rely on Him for their every need.

I think of manna at the end of the day when I’m not sure how I had enough strength and energy for the hard stuff I dealt with.

The tough conversation…

The disappointments…

All the ways in which I was stretched beyond what I could handle on my own….

And yet, with God’s help, I made it through.

Manna reminds me that day-by-day, my needs will be met. It may not be the way I would like (the line between want and need often gets blurred), but God knows, and I’m still learning to trust and rely on Him.

Manna is a reminder that worrying about “what-if” and “how-will-I” for the future gets me nowhere. I need to focus and look for what God is doing today. {Tweet this}

Manna leads me to pray 3 prayers. For today. And every day.

3 Prayers for Today

Lord, let me see You today.

Whatever our day looks like, God is present. On those days when we’re distracted and all we can see is what we’re facing, we have to intentionally look for Him. I’ve been reminded of His presence in the way the morning sun beamed down through the clouds as I drove to work, unexpected flowers on a plant that rarely bloomed, and the way a text or email from a friend came at just the right moment.

These may seem small or insignificant, but when we’re looking for God, they’re gentle reminders that say I AM here.

Lord, give me the strength and energy I need for today.

Just as we ask Him to provide daily provisions, like food, clothing, and shelter, I know I need His help in other ways to get through each day. I need to rely on His strength, His energy, His compassion for others, and His grace.

Jesus was always in direct contact with His Father. We need to be too. Quiet time with God grounds me and helps me focus on Him, instead of all that is going on around me. A quick prayer before we act—Lord, give me the words to speak or Lord, show me how I can support her—helps us see others through His eyes, rather than through our own.

Lord, guide my steps today.

When life feels difficult, I know that even though I can’t see what’s ahead, I need to keep doing the next thing. The problem is sometimes I don’t know what that next thing is. I know what I want to see happen, but it might not line up with God’s plan. I need Him to guide my steps and show me where my attention and focus should be.

Allowing myself to be led by Him (even on the days when I feel like I’m not accomplishing anything) may open my eyes to something He wants to show me that I’ve been missing. Or it may lead me to the rest and relaxation He knows I need.

But even better, it will draw me closer to Him as I wait on Him, lean into Him, and depend on Him. Today. And every day.

In Christ,

[Photo credit: Unsplash.com]