How to Make a Difference in Someone’s Day

Not long ago, I was reminded again of the pain and heartache in the world. It's not that I'd forgotten exactly, but sometimes it's there—everywhere you look. It becomes hard to miss and impossible to ignore.

That was a week I had. I could see the struggle behind the smiles. I could read the heartache in written words. I could hear the pain in the tears.

Family members struggling.
Loved ones hurting.
Friends grieving.

Strained and broken relationships.
Physical and emotional pain.
Financial hardships.

Everyone has something to deal with, and while our struggles may be different, they are no less real. They are no less significant.
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Often, one of the only things we can do for someone is to be there. To listen, without giving advice (unless asked) and to extend compassion, even when we don't understand.

What else can we do?

3 Things We Can Do to Make a Difference in Someone's Day

1) Smile

I wonder how often one person's smile is the best part of someone else's day. Something so small, and yet so big and important. So easy, but forgotten about when we get busy and rush through the day.

What if, regardless of our mood or how our day is going, we make an effort to smile more—with our families, co-workers, at the grocery store, the bank, the school—wherever we have the opportunity to make a difference? Your smile may be just what someone else needs today.

2) Reach Out

When someone is in your thoughts, let them know. God will bring someone to mind and place them in our hearts for a reason. He knows they need a kind word. They need to feel remembered. They need to know someone is thinking of, and praying for, them.

I can't tell you how many times I've heard from a friend at just the right time. I want to be that friend to another. I'll admit, I'm working on this one. I have a habit of putting off an email, thinking I'll get to it later, and then forgetting. But I'm trying to be intentional about reaching out to others.

3) Pray

Something happens when we pray. We draw closer to the One who hears us and sees everything. He not only works in the lives of those we pray for, but He works in our lives.

Prayer changes us from the inside out, in ways we may not even be aware of. Perhaps you've been praying for someone, or for a situation, for so long and you're ready to give up. I know the feeling. But, we can't give up. Prayer matters! It makes a difference, even if we can't see it.

We may never know if, or how, our prayers were answered for someone else's life. But God knows, and that's what matters. {Tweet this}

How can you make a difference in someone’s day today?

In Christ,

[Photo credit:]


  1. Laura, you just made a difference in my day as you confirmed for me that God has indeed placed a person on my heart to reach out to. You were the push I needed :)

  2. Thanks for the reminder to...just be there, listen, and pray. It really doesn't cost anything to make a difference except time and emotional energy. Both of which are well spent when we care for the hurting. Linked up with you today at Barbie's!

  3. These are excellent reminders. And the simple, quiet things we do often make the biggest difference in someone's life.

  4. What a great reminder. It truly doesn't take much to make someone's day a little brighter.

  5. I left your post and opened another window so I could send a message to someone who was on my heart. Thanks for setting the challenge before us.

  6. Love these simple and important tips! Sharing!

  7. It really is so simple to make a difference in someone else's day. Thank you for sharing.

  8. Yes! I love this. Asking ourselves how we can make someone else's day is something that should be an everyday thing.

  9. Laura love all you steps. I'm off to school to sub today, and I stand in the doorway each time I do and smile at every child passing by. I agree with you on when someone comes to mind to pray, to call, to text.

  10. I love these simple tips! I think about when I've had hard days, and what a difference it made for me when someone showed kindness like this.

    Thanks for sharing and encouraging us to do the same!

  11. Laura, I can't tell you how much I LOVE this! You are speaking my language! :) it's always good to be reminded that we are meant for each other- to encourage and uplift, and listen and support one another. I love that you specifically mentioned smiling! A smile can go a long way! Great post! Sharing today. ❤️

  12. It's so true- the simple things can make a significant difference for people. Just a smile or a small word of encouragement can brighten their whole day!

  13. Wonderful tips, Laura. Sometimes we complicate things way too much, even ministry. Simply smiling or reaching out to others often falls off our radar. My we never underestimate the power of a smile, prayer, and encouragement. Thanks for this. Visiting from #TeaandtheWord

  14. Great reminder! I stopped by today via Holley Gerth's linkup. Praying you have a blessed week that touches the lives of many and it doesn't drain you, but encourage you :)
    ~Sherry Stahl

    1. Wow. What an on-point prayer for me today! Thank you Sherry!

  15. Sometimes it's just the simplest things that make the biggest difference. Thanks for the reminder to keep others at the forefront of our thinking!

  16. I, too, am purposely trying to reach out more...even with something as simple as a text. Phone calls, cards, etc. are all wonderful but I know there is impact in a quick text, too. Great encouragement!

  17. What beautiful ways to brighten someone's day. I think that reaching out is one that often gets overlooked.

  18. Such great ways to make a difference for someone else! I appreciate how simple, practical, and true these are, Laura! Thank you!

  19. Yes, as one who is facing a family situation, your words are right on point. Thank you for sharing!

  20. Love these sweet and simple ideas. My daughter, who's two, shouts "HI!" and smiles at's really helped me be able to join in and brighten people's day. She sets a good example for me! :D

  21. So simple, yet they can make all the difference in someone's day! Thanks for the reminders, Laura. Blessings on your Sabbath!


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