Change Offers Opportunity

I'm trying to look at unexpected change differently. Instead of scary and unknown, which it can be, I'm trying to look for what it might offer.

Unexpected change offers unexpected opportunities. {Tweet this}

Like the change itself, I don't know what those opportunities might look like, but I want to know they are there.
It's a matter of having a positive outlook, rather than a negative one.

It's not easy. Some changes can be devastating and it takes years to work through the grief. I know that. 

I'm talking about the types of changes that can be fearful or challenging, depending on our attitude—looking for a new job, meeting new coworkers, moving, or doing something outside of our comfort zone.

Fearful is walking through the day with dread, assuming anything new will be bad.

Challenging is walking forward with an open mind and without preconceived assumptions, trusting that God has a plan. It doesn't mean everything will be easy or perfect. It means we don't make new opportunities more difficult because of a bad attitude.

When we only see what we stand to lose, change is frightening and depressing. But when we acknowledge what we might lose while at the same time looking ahead at what we might gain, it feels different. 

Change itself is unsettling, but when we look for new opportunities there's also a glimmer of hope. {Tweet this}

And when hope is there, it changes everything. Whether or not we see it is up to us.

In Christ,

[Photo credit:]


  1. Laura, I can relate. Change can be scary at times, but also exciting. Looking for opportunities and hope in change helps us to move forward. Thank you for this good encouragement!

  2. Thanks Laura for this timely post. I am somewhat dealing with unexpected change. Although I've had some time to prepare for it, I feel completely unprepared. Our last to leave the next just left, moving clear across the country with her new husband. I know I'll be ok. I know she'll be ok. It's just such an adjustment for all of us. Thanks for these great reminders and thanks for linking up at InstaEncouragements!

  3. Definitely two sides to this coin of change.

  4. Great and fresh insight, Laura. I so love these thoughts because it is a matter of perspective:

    "Fearful is walking through the day with dread, assuming anything new will be bad.
    Challenging is walking forward with an open mind and without preconceived assumptions, trusting that God has a plan." So true!

  5. Love this. We are in control of our attitude and it is how we choose to see the change. Knowing God is in charge and has my best interests in heart, helps me when it comes to change. My sister started saying, anytime things are starting to look not the way she wants, "I can hardly wait to see the blessing God is going to bring from this." God can use anything to bring us blessings.

  6. I appreciate the wisdom and encouragement you shared, Laura. Recognizing God's sovereignty and trusting His love and goodness are stabilizing in all seasons and especially during significant changes.

  7. love how you are reframing your experiences. I try this also but reading your post reminds and encourages me to keep practicing looking for unexpected opportunities. .

  8. I am so glad you talked about this today. Change can be so scary and we just have to trust that God has everything even the crazy, life-changing moments under control.


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