When Your Efforts Go Unnoticed

There are days when it feels like my efforts go completely unnoticed.

It doesn’t matter where we’ve gone, what I’ve tried, or how many errands were run. Someone’s mood is less than desirable. The one thing not accomplished or that was missed on the shopping list is the one thing being talked about. And it seems to get bigger…overtaking everything else.

We tend to focus on the negative, don’t we?

The one thing that didn’t work out instead of all the things that did.

The item we would like to have, ignoring all that we do have.

The unfinished work versus the completed tasks.

On those days, I feel like my efforts don’t matter. Why don’t others see how I’ve tried to make something work out the way they hoped?

My feeling of accomplishment dissipates and I find myself frustrated and aggravated. I’m less encouraged to try so hard again…or at all.

But, despite how it looks, my efforts are noticed—by the One who sees it all.

To continue reading, please join me at 5 Minutes for Faith...

In Christ,

Because Some Lessons Have to Be Relearned

And then a few days ago, I ignored my own words.

It started with an e-mail I received. It asked me to choose a date for a specific opportunity I was already involved in. There were only so many dates available, on a first-come, first-served basis, and from the e-mail chain in front of me, I was apparently the last to speak up.

I knew better than to get worked up over it…but I did anyway.

From what I could tell, all of the dates were spoken for. I had chosen not to spend my day online, and for that, I had missed out. And I fumed.

I knew God had it under control, but I couldn’t seem to get myself under control. Actually, I don’t think I even tried.

I was sure I’d been left out of something I’d been involved in for years, and I let my emotions fuel my nasty thoughts.

I told myself that it might be part of God’s plan for me. Maybe it was time to move on to whatever was next. The problem was, I had no idea what that might be, so I started feeling sorry for myself.

I kept checking my e-mail waiting for a reply, knowing that it would confirm what I thought I knew. And while I continued to stew about it, I grew snippy with my family.

I’m sure they were less than thrilled to be around me because I didn’t even want to be around myself.

And then, I received the reply I was waiting for. But it wasn’t what I was expecting. It didn’t say what I’d already chosen to believe. Instead, it confirmed that I already had a place.

I ignored common sense and my belief that peace comes through trusting God, choosing to walk the path of negativity instead of possibilities.

God had it under control, but I decided to fume rather than to trust. And because I failed to trust, I was far from experiencing His peace.

I had apologies to give and forgiveness to ask for—from God and my family. And a post to write—because lessons are easily forgotten (or ignored) and have to be relearned. Over and over.

And over again.

In Christ,

Trust Brings Peace

So don’t worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries. Today’s trouble is enough for today. Matthew 6:34 NLT

There is an unexplainable peace that comes from trusting God.

The Bible tells us about it. I can imagine the peace Abraham felt after God reminded him that He would make Abraham the father of all nations, despite the lack of physical evidence that it could ever happen. (Genesis 15:1-6)

Abraham believed God…and believing that God keeps His word brings peace.

It’s overwhelming to experience it personally. When you feel God’s peace, you just know it’s from Him because there is no way to rationalize it.

And to watch God’s peace settle over someone else—it’s awe-inspiring.

My young, teenage daughter has had a rough year with ongoing illness. Between new and worsening symptoms and missed school, she’s had plenty of cause for worry. Overall, she’s really handled it well.

Until a few weeks ago, when there was one thing eating at her...

Please join me at Next Level Mama to continue reading the story of how my daughter found peace in the midst of worry.

Give your entire attention to what God is doing right now, and don’t get worked up about what may or may not happen tomorrow. God will help you deal with whatever hard things come up when the time comes. 
Matthew 6:34 The Message

In Christ,