There are days when it feels like my efforts go completely
It doesn’t matter where we’ve gone, what I’ve tried, or how
many errands were run. Someone’s mood is less than desirable. The one thing not
accomplished or that was missed on the shopping list is the one thing being talked
about. And it seems to get bigger…overtaking everything else.
We tend to focus on the
negative, don’t we?
The one thing that didn’t work out instead of all the things
that did.
The item we would like to have, ignoring all that we do
The unfinished work versus the completed tasks.
On those days, I feel like my efforts don’t matter. Why
don’t others see how I’ve tried to make something work out the way they hoped?
My feeling of accomplishment dissipates and I find myself
frustrated and aggravated. I’m less encouraged to try so hard again…or at all.
But, despite how it looks, my efforts are noticed—by the One
who sees it all.
To continue reading, please join me at 5 Minutes for Faith...
In Christ,
Linking up with #TellHisStory, Winsome Wednesday, Everyday Jesus, Thought Provoking Thursday, Unforced Rhythms, Give Me Grace, Coffee for Your Heart, Faith Filled Friday, Blessing Counters