Vi Bella means “beautiful life”. We chose the
name because it is our aim to help women live the beautiful life that God
intends for them. ~ Vi Bella
Five months ago, I was introduced to Vi Bella at the Jumping Tandem Retreat. Although I live in the same state as this Iowa-based non-profit, I was completely unaware of Vi Bella’s history, mission, and the beautiful jewelry created by their artisans.
Since then, I’ve grown to love their mission of “Women
Helping Women.”
Maybe you’ve heard the saying, “Give a man a fish and he’ll
eat for a day. Teach a man how to fish and he’ll eat for a lifetime.”
I believe that’s Vi Bella.
By providing women in Haiti,
Mexico, and the United States with jobs and skills, they aren’t just taken care
of for a day, but for a lifetime. In areas where there were no jobs for women
to earn even enough to feed their children, they now have opportunities to
provide for their families.
Women who needed a second chance
in life have been given a new outlook on their future.
Through the love of Christ, Vi
Bella offers encouragement and opportunities, and, in turn, women who had no
hope, now stand taller with dignity and a sense of purpose.
Isn’t that something we all want
and need?
Vi Bella continues to
grow, adding to their jewelry line, purses (teaching women to sew),
accessories, lanyards, and t-shirts. And as Vi Bella grows, so does the number
of jobs and opportunities for women in these challenging areas.
I’m so excited about Vi Bella’s fall line
and to be having an online party!
Beginning today, September 23 – Sunday, October 6…
you enter Discount Code: OLR3 in the Discount Code box
on the online order form, and click “Apply,” you
will save $3.00 on your total Vi Bella order! (See example below.)
Cool, right!?!
Will you join me in supporting and
celebrating the beautiful life God intends for each of us?
Click here to get started! www.vibellajewelry.com
up with The Weekend Brew, Sharing His Beauty, Soli Deo Gloria, WholeHearted Wednesday, Winsome Wednesday, #TellHisStory.
Order Form Example:
Your Cart
$16.95 $16.95
Discount Code:
OLR3 Apply SubTotal:
Discount: ($3.00)
TOTAL: $13.95