The Hurdle of Fear

I haven’t been here writing about God-sized dreams for the past few weeks. I was ready to put my current dreams in writing, and then before I could do that, my days went a little topsy-turvy.

As they straightened out, I began to see one word standing tall in the settling dust.


I’ve been distracted, so I’m not sure when the fear started creeping back in. But I know who it’s coming from…

The enemy.

“If the enemy can’t make us deny our dreams, then it seems his next tactic is to make us delay them.”Holley Gerth, You’re Made for a God-Sized Dream

The enemy will try to move our focus off of the goal any way he can.

He sets up hurdles in our way, and each one seems bigger and more intimidating. That’s his plan—if we get tired enough of jumping over them, we’ll stop trying. Or at the very least, it will take us longer to get around them.
The enemy may have slowed my God-sized dreams lately, but he can never extinguish what God puts in our hearts. 

Fear has had enough of my time over the past month…so, here goes…

My God-sized dream is to continue expressing hope and encouragement to the hearts of women through writing and speaking caring, sensitive, and honest words.

What comes next or how this dream takes shape, only God knows right now…but I trust He’ll let me know when the time is right.

Take that Satan!

What dream is the enemy trying to stop or delay in your life?

In Christ,


  1. Laura, I love your God-sized dream! You do a beautiful job of encouraging and giving the hope of Jesus to women. Satan is certainly good at distracting us with fear and doubt. I'm glad you took the stand today against him, recognizing God's sovereignty in your life... way to go!!
    Blessings to you my courageous friend ~ Mary

    1. Thank you Mary, you made me smile. :) God bless!

  2. This is so SO true, Laura. Thank you for the reminder

  3. Woo-hoo! You keep going, girl! We're cheering for you. :)

  4. I really needed to hear this today. I, too, am taking a stand against the enemy as he tries to distract me from my dream. I want to write and share what I've learned about God, but Satan is so good at convincing me I'm not as talented as others I see on the internet. And for too long I've let him talk me out of what I really feel called to do. Thank you for sharing this with the #TellHisStory community today (which is where I found you), because this was exactly what I needed to hear!

    1. I'm so glad you came over and these words made a difference for you. Thank you for sharing it with me; your comment blessed me. :) Stand strong and let God's voice drown out the enemy's. God bless!

  5. Take that, Satan! Shouting it out with you, Laura!

  6. Thanks for sharing! I love how the Lord uses stuff in our lives to show us things, even where the enemy is trying to bring us down. Get back up on that horse, and fly! =)
    (visiting from the linkup)

  7. I can SO relate to this post. I have an issue with fear, too. Thanks for the inspiration! (Visiting from Faith Filled Friday linkup.)

  8. Hi Laura,
    Thank you for you post! I struggle with fear too, thanks for the encouragement!
    (I am visiting from Faith Filled Fridays)


  9. Oh friend, I shared about my fear to even dream today at The Weekend Brew. I think we share similar dreams, to encourage women, yet sometimes I wonder how this messy, unorganized, hurting woman can give. I'm asking Him for courage for both of us to rise about those fears. He is able! I really need to read this book! Have a lovely weekend.

    1. Barbie I have already Read You are Already Amazing... I am so excited to read her next book.

  10. hmmm a lot of people are writing on fear this weekend... i think i need to absorb. i completely lived in fear for about four years, but on a different topic, not abut living your dreams. since moving back to the states i felt like I have moved on from that fear, but how quickly things move in when you think you are okay... so i'm going to absorbed and tuck away for a little extra armor of God protection.


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