The Unknown of Tomorrow

Last year felt like a year of extremes for me. The highs were really high and the lows were really low. There were wonderful surprises, but there was also sadness and loss.

The saying, “We don’t know what tomorrow will bring.” feels like an understatement. I didn’t see the highs or lows coming until they were already in motion. But in both, I knew God was at work.

The unknown—what if this happens or what if that never changes—might be one of Satan’s most used tools against us. {Tweet this}

He loves for us to be afraid to take a step in any direction because of what might or might not happen. He loves to get us worked up because we can’t see how a bad situation can get better. He wants us to not enjoy a good day out of fear that tomorrow will be a bad day.

We call it “fear of the future,” but maybe instead we should call it “the unknown of tomorrow.” There’s a difference, you see. {Tweet this}

“Fear of the future” tells us what we’re supposed to do… we’re supposed to be afraid of what the future might bring. But there’s no directive with “the unknown of tomorrow.” 

Our actions are up to us. Yes, we might very well be afraid of the unknown, but as I learned last year, some unknowns turn out to be beautiful surprises. And if we’re constantly focused on the bad possibilities, we will miss the good certainties.

No matter what unknowns we’re facing, what we can know, without a doubt, is that we are not alone.

Please join me at Candidly Christian to continue reading...The Unknown of Tomorrow. While there's so much in life we can't control, I'm sharing four actions we can control.

In Christ,

[Photo credit: Candidly Christian]


  1. Oh, I can relate to those highs and lows! Clicking over to see you at Candidly Christian!

  2. Yes, sometimes feeling anxious about what tomorrow will bring can disrupt our focus on the things that matter - God and eternity. Heading over to read the rest of the post!

  3. You know when you read something at just the right time to help you discern a next step? Your post tonight helped me so much. Thank you

  4. Love this truth, Laura! I needed the reminder today!

  5. I've had the same thoughts too. I wouldn't survive some situations without Jesus.


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