Four years ago I received an unexpected email from David
“JB” Miller inviting me to join the Life Letter Café writing team as a contributor.
His email came at a time when I had been in prayer about writing and other
commitments in my life, and it felt like the nudge of encouragement I needed.
On New Year’s Day, I found out David had been called Home.
My shock quickly turned to sadness. Although I didn’t know him outside of
emails and a few phone calls, I miss knowing he’s there offering prayer and
encouragement to his team of writers.
I keep thinking about what his first email meant to me. I
doubt he knew when he sent it that it was at just the right time for me. I
doubt most of us know it too.
What if the tiniest bit—the size of a mustard seed—of
encouragement we offer to someone else comes at just the right time when she
needs it most? {Tweet this}
What feels small to the giver might just feel monumental to
the receiver.
Kingdom of Heaven is like a mustard seed planted in a field. It is the smallest of all seeds, but it becomes the largest of garden
plants; it grows into a tree, and birds come and make nests in its branches.”
the word of kindness we offer, no matter how small, might grow into the
encouragement someone needs to keep going, to keep trying, to give tomorrow
another chance. No matter how weak we feel our offering may be, God will use it
in ways we might never know about.
underestimate what your mustard seeds of encouragement might mean to someone
else. Just keep planting them and let God work on where they grow. {Tweet this}
David, thank
you for your encouragement and prayers. May we follow your example and keep planting the mustard seeds
for others.
In Christ,
[Photo credit:]
Linking up with: Purposeful Faith, #TeaAndWord,
#TellHisStory, #RechargeWednesday, #WriterWednesday, #HeartEncouragement, Moments of Hope, #DestinationInspiration, #TuneInThursday, #FreshMarketFriday, Faith ‘n Friends, #FaithonFire, Grace & Truth
#TellHisStory, #RechargeWednesday, #WriterWednesday, #HeartEncouragement, Moments of Hope, #DestinationInspiration, #TuneInThursday, #FreshMarketFriday, Faith ‘n Friends, #FaithonFire, Grace & Truth