Mustard Seeds of Encouragement

Four years ago I received an unexpected email from David “JB” Miller inviting me to join the Life Letter Café writing team as a contributor. His email came at a time when I had been in prayer about writing and other commitments in my life, and it felt like the nudge of encouragement I needed.

On New Year’s Day, I found out David had been called Home. My shock quickly turned to sadness. Although I didn’t know him outside of emails and a few phone calls, I miss knowing he’s there offering prayer and encouragement to his team of writers.

I keep thinking about what his first email meant to me. I doubt he knew when he sent it that it was at just the right time for me. I doubt most of us know it too.

What if the tiniest bit—the size of a mustard seed—of encouragement we offer to someone else comes at just the right time when she needs it most? {Tweet this}

* The smile in the grocery store that might be the first she’s seen all day.

* The sincere compliment we give to another when she’s feeling at her worst.

* The look of understanding we offer across the room that says, I understand when she feels no one does.

* The quiet strength we give when someone needs the nudge to keep trying.

* An ear to listen when someone feels she’s unheard.

* Sitting with someone right where she is when she feels alone and there’s nothing else we can do.

* The reminder You can do this, when she’s not so sure she can.

These may seem like small gestures, but aren’t mustard seeds the smallest seed before they grow into large plants?

What feels small to the giver might just feel monumental to the receiver.   

“The Kingdom of Heaven is like a mustard seed planted in a field. It is the smallest of all seeds, but it becomes the largest of garden plants; it grows into a tree, and birds come and make nests in its branches.”

Perhaps the word of kindness we offer, no matter how small, might grow into the encouragement someone needs to keep going, to keep trying, to give tomorrow another chance. No matter how weak we feel our offering may be, God will use it in ways we might never know about.

Don’t underestimate what your mustard seeds of encouragement might mean to someone else. Just keep planting them and let God work on where they grow. {Tweet this}

David, thank you for your encouragement and prayers. May we follow your example and keep planting the mustard seeds for others.

In Christ,

[Photo credit:]

Run. Hide. Fight.

I had never been in a building when it was put on lockdown…until recently. Although the time from lockdown to all clear was brief (and without incident), it was long enough to be frightening. As we waited, my co-workers and I reviewed the steps we had been taught—Run. Hide. Fight.

Run – When possible in the case of an active shooter, get out of the building.

Hide – If you can’t get out safely, hide. Turn off lights, silence cell phones, block doors and remain hidden and silent.

Fight – As an absolute last resort, fight. (

Hours and days later, I was still thinking about the Run, Hide, Fight steps. And I realized these are the same steps we should take when life takes us off guard. {Tweet this}

* Run to God.

* Hide in His shelter.

* Fight the enemy with all God has given us.

Run to God

When we’re in danger, overwhelmed by life, or in situations we can’t see an end to, we may be tempted to run to get away. But running aimlessly will get us nowhere and we will likely find ourselves even more lost.

The name of the Lord is a strong fortress; the godly run to him and are safe.
Proverbs 18:10 NLT

Running to God gets us to safety. The storm will continue to rage around us, but God is unchanging. While the ground feels like shifting sand, God is our solid foundation. No matter what happens, we will always find security when we run to Him. {Tweet this}

Please join me at Candidly Christian to continue reading...Run. Hide. Fight.

In Christ,

[Photo credit: Candidly Christian]

Linking up with: Purposeful Faith, #TeaAndWord, #GracefullTuesday, Trekking Thru, #TellHisStory, #RechargeWednesday, #porchstories, Sitting Among Friends, #WriterWednesday, Moments of Hope, #HeartEncouragement, #DestinationInspiration, #TuneInThursday, #FreshMarketFriday, Faith ‘n Friends, #FaithonFire, Grace & Truth

One Word and The New Year

Usually by now I have two articles written and shared with you—the first one about my One Word for last year, and the second about my One Word for this year. I have neither written.

My word for 2018 was Enough. When the year began I thought I had an idea of what it meant, but as the year went on, I realized it meant so much more. I think I’m still processing it all because it feels like more than I can put into words to share. At times that frustrates me, but then I think parts are meant to stay between me and God. {Tweet this}

This year I have two words. (Neither of which I’m ready to share right now. Sorry friends.) One day I would feel one and the next day the other would jump off the page. Each day went back and forth. I couldn’t decide and I didn’t feel God making one more obvious than the other. And then I realized maybe He wants me to have both—one to keep me grounded in Him, and the other to help me step out in faith.

Two words meant to work together. That felt right to me.

There was no more back and forth, just two words worked into one phrase to guide me through the year.

Do you have a word for 2019? Have you ever felt like it was something between you and God and not meant to be shared? (If you have, I think that’s okay. It’s kind of neat to have a secret with God.)

In Christ,

[Photo credit:]

Linking up with: Purposeful Faith, #TeaAndWord, #GracefullTuesday, Trekking Thru, #TellHisStory, #RechargeWednesday, #porchstories, Sitting Among Friends, Moments of Hope, #HeartEncouragement, #DestinationInspiration, #TuneInThursday, #FreshMarketFriday, Faith ‘n Friends, #FaithonFire, Grace & Truth, #WriterWednesday