Jesus Understands

The Lord has been reminding me of these truths…

Jesus understands our tears. He wept.

Jesus understands our sorrow. He loved and grieved.

Jesus understands our trials. He was tested by Satan.

Jesus understands our pain. He was rejected, mocked, beaten, and crucified.

Jesus understands our loneliness. He was betrayed.

Jesus understands our need for God. He was in constant contact with His Father.

Jesus understands our need for friends. He surrounded Himself with twelve.

Jesus understands triumph and new life. He conquered death and the grave.

Jesus understands because He lived it. {Tweet this}

Perhaps you need the reminder today too.

In Christ,


  1. I pray for you often, Laura. There is consolation in knowing Jesus understands. May you find comfort in his arms through this season of loss and sadness. Sending love.

    1. Hi Laura, I don't know what you're going through today, friend but I'm glad you're holding to God's promises. If it's one thing I'm learning through some very difficult seasons is that God remains faithful. He is good all the time. I pray this comforts you today.

    2. Thank you Marva. Indeed, He is good all the time!

  2. Simple yet powerful truths to live by. Thank you for sharing. I just prayed for you. Jesus loves you very much Laura.

  3. Thank you so much for this reminder. I pinned it on one of my Pinterest boards.

  4. One of the many things I love about the blogging community is the way we can learn from each other as we move through the seasons of loss and celebration. Praying for you today, Laura, and thank you for connecting the dots between our lives and the very-real, living of Jesus on this same planet.

  5. Thanks for these beautiful reminders! They useful for witnessing as well!

    1. Good thought - they are good for witnessing. Thanks Bobbi.

  6. Very well said, He is our everything, whatever we need Him to be.

  7. You were right! I did need these today. Thank you for these comforting truths.

  8. So simple, but so much depth in truth here. Beautiful.

  9. Oh Laura ... I'm so sorry for the pain behind your words. But grateful, too, that we have a Heavenly Father who has carried our sorrows and collects every tear we shed. Hugs, friend.

  10. Amen, Laura! Beautiful truth that is important to hold tightly every day!

  11. A reminder that can never grow old. So powerful, Laura ♥


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