We have our first winner of a copy of What Happens When Women Say Yes to God by Lysa TerKeurst. Congratulations Deb! Please visit again tomorrow when there will be another random chance to receive a free copy of the book.

God Bless,

1 comment:

  1. Both chapters this week have enlightened me to a more personal walk with God. I have read each of the chapters two times and felt so prepared to do the Bible Studies at the end. Beginning my day with this study and reflection has lifted the rest of my day to a closer acknowledgement of how God is walking with me.

    In the first chapter, Lysa talks about the "stuff" in her Bible. I too find it to be a home for a printed devotion that touched my heart, a remembrance of a friend or family member. I pictured myself giving away my Bible and removing all of those keepsakes. I had not thought of how I was using it to collect memories. I have family Bibles that I found when I cleaned out my parents home and find the written notes help me feel so much closer to my relatives. So the giving of my personal Bible would be a divine appointment with no doubt!

    The way Lysa took a Bible verse and broke it out to apply it to herself was very helpful. In the Chapter 2 Bible Study I believe God led me to understand "how" to define Romans 12: 1-2 and help me apply the verses to me. This has always been a stumbling block for me in my Bible readings. Just what did that verse say and even looking at the footnotes is not helpful enough.

    Thank you Laura for leading me on a new walk with God.


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