3 Steps to a Change of Focus

Last summer I went through a season—the kind where sadness wasn’t a stranger. It wasn’t an emergency situation. I also felt happiness and joy, love and a sense of accomplishment, and I was active and present where I was. But, I knew the anniversary of the loss of a loved one and stressful situations had me feeling down…and I knew that in time it would pass.

I was reminded that actions and activities can either contribute to, or help improve, melancholy when I scrolled through Facebook one morning. I was already feeling low, for reasons I had on my mental list, when I started seeing photos of close friends with narratives of deep friendship and I felt a familiar sense of longing.

As I started adding to my mental list of complaints I realized I had to close out of Facebook. Just one click on the little X at the top corner of the screen isn’t difficult, and yet sometimes it is. I closed the screen and felt a nudge to make a different list. This list was to remind me of what I do have. I hadn’t forgotten—my focus was just on the wrong list.

Please join me at Candidly Christian where I'm sharing 3 steps I take to change my focus. They may seem like small steps, but they can make a big difference in our daily lives.

In Christ,

[Photo credit: Candidly Christian]

Linking up with: Grace & Truth

The Illusion of Control

Several weeks ago I was frustrated. 

It seemed that no matter how much I got accomplished in a day it didn’t make a dent in all the things I didn’t get done. There were the usual everyday chores, errands that had to be run, home repairs that needed to be scheduled, all the holiday preparation, work, meals…you get the idea. And then someone would ask, “Hey, weren’t you going to _____?” It didn’t matter what it was because it was most likely on the list I hadn’t gotten to yet.

For a few days, I kept wondering why I couldn’t get more done in a day and I had to remind myself that I was doing the best I could. And that was enough. The demands I was putting on myself and letting others put on me were taking their toll.

I decided that if I’d done what I could to the best of my ability that day, then that day was a success.

And, if I decided something could wait so I could take a breather and some time to myself, then that day was not a failure, but also a success—because slowing down can be hard.

All of my running around was getting me nowhere and I had to take a step back to see that. Sometimes the pressures of the day-to-day make me lose sight of what's really important…

What was God was asking of me?

In Christ,

[Photo credit: Candidly Christian]

Linking up with: #FaithonFire and Grace & Truth

Staying Positive in a Negative World

We live in a negative world. Maybe it’s always been this way, but seems worse because of social media. I don’t really know. But closer to home, I look back and see that I’ve always been surrounded by negative people. I didn’t know any different as I was growing up, but as an adult I can see it now.

Remember Eeyore from Winnie the Pooh? He was always expecting and waiting for the worst. He’s cute in the stories, but I don’t think I could hang out with him for long periods of time. And then I realized…I do have Eeyores in my life. I always have. Maybe you do too.

I think I might have even been Eeyore-like. After all, it’s how I grew up. So, when I encountered negative people, their behavior didn’t seem that out of line. Then, over the years, as I started to really see God’s work in my life, I also began to see everyday life differently. I know bad things happen, but waiting for them seemed pointless. Worrying about what might happen tomorrow means I either worry for no reason when it doesn’t happen, or I’ve spent extra time worrying before it was necessary.

Worry for tomorrow takes away from today.

But, let’s face it, we will spend time with people who spend most of their time worrying. So, what can we do when we feel like we’re surrounded by negativity and encounter Eeyores on a regular basis?

Please join me at Candidly Christian where I'm sharing some things I do to keep from following others down a pessimistic road. Perhaps you’ll find them helpful as well!

In Christ,

[Photo credit: Candidly Christian]

Fear is a Bully...But God is Stronger

A few nights ago my daughter and I started talking about the future—our hopes, possible plans and our fears. Late at night isn’t my best time for this type of conversation, but there we were. I was already tired and a little emotional and I found myself getting stuck on the fears. I felt it when it started—the tight feeling in my chest and tears threatening to spill, and I knew I had to interrupt my thoughts.

We decided to call it a night and get ready for bed. Sometimes a change in activity or topic of conversation is all it takes to change the mind’s focus. But often times, it’s not that easy.

I reminded myself that while what I feared was possible and could happen someday, it wasn’t imminent. As far as I knew, it wasn’t likely to happen, in the near future…or at all.

Fear can be a bully. It wants to stop us in our tracks and paralyze us from moving forward. Fear wants to spoil today and make us dread tomorrow.

Please join me at Candidly Christian where we're talking about fear and reminding ourselves that God is stronger and more powerful than this bully....Fear is a Bully (But God is Stronger)

In Christ,

[Photo credit: Candidly Christian]