The Lord replied, “My Presence will go with you, and I will give you
Words have been slow here lately. I have plenty filling my
journal pages…but words to share with you? Not so much.
I’ve been feeling for a while that perhaps God is calling me
into a season of rest, although it’s taken me time to accept it. I question
first if I’m just tired (which I am) or being lazy (it’s possible), but really,
I’m worn out. From everything.
Emotional and mental fatigue takes its toll, bringing with
it physical fatigue. And as you probably know, it’s hard to fight all three at
once. So, I’ve stopped pushing back and I’m trying to rest as I feel God
encouraging me to do.
Maybe you find yourself in the same place. Today I’m sharing
a few things I’ve been doing to encourage myself during this time of rest.
Spend time with God.
Start the day with
Scripture—even if it’s just one verse. God knows what we need for the
moment, and often, that one verse has stayed with me throughout the day.
Choose a daily devotional book to read with your morning
coffee. It doesn’t have to be an in-depth Bible study, especially if you’re
feeling too tired to think. But, a few minutes spent alone with God does
wonders. In fact, it may be those few minutes that get you through the rest of
the day.
I’ve started reading Coffee for Your Heart by Holley Gerth (previously published as God’s Heart for You.) If you’ve read any of Holley’s books, you
know the soothing encouragement her words offer. Coffee for Your Heart reminds us of how God sees us, in 40 easy-to-read
devotions, with prayer and personal reflection.
I’m also reading Soul H2O: 40 Thirst Quenching Devotions for Women by Sherry Stahl. I love the title—because it reminds me of how
dehydrated I feel, and it’s also easy to read, with prayer and personal
Accept it.
Take advantage of the rest God
is guiding you to. If He’s encouraging it, He knows we need it. (Usually
long before we realize it ourselves.) {Tweet this}
Give yourself permission to do what you have to do and let
the rest slide for a while. That means prioritizing the to-do list, and adding
to it time for yourself.
Be present in the moment.
Stressing about what you think you should be doing and/or worrying about
tomorrow defeats the purpose of resting today. (Which, for me, leads to more
Do something you enjoy.
I’ve been reading more Christian fiction and mysteries this
year. It’s the best way to get my mind to relax, and diving into a story I don’t
have to think too much about is a nice escape from what’s going on around me.
Other mental getaways: take a walk, journal, listen to
Christian music, bake, visit with friends…you get the idea. Find something you enjoy doing and give yourself permission
to spend your time there. {Tweet this}
Get offline.
When I’m already exhausted, the online world can be too much
for me. Whether it’s the news or anything on social media, the more I let in,
the more it’s able to affect me in negative ways.
It’s also harder to not compare my life to the
perfect-looking pictures I see on Facebook. So, before it draws me in, I have
to limit my time there.
Less time spent online also
makes it easier to be present in the moment. No matter how enjoyable my
day is, comparison can ruin it within seconds. I have to remind myself that one
picture doesn’t tell someone else’s whole story.
Rest—peace of mind or spirit, freedom from activity or labor, to take
relief or respite.
Rest isn’t just physical, it’s
also emotional and mental. It’s a necessary part of feeling rejuvenated and
renewed. Feeling rested comes from letting our bodies and minds relax,
as often as we need and for as long as it takes, regardless of all life throws
at us. (I’m still working this.)
“Then Jesus said, ‘Come to me, all of you who are weary
and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest.”
What would you add to
this list?
In Christ,
[Photo credit:]