Sometimes we don't know what we need. We just
know we need God to show up...quickly.
I dreaded giving the news I hadn't expected. I was so disappointed and I anticipated the same reaction when I shared it.
I didn't know what to pray. And I didn't know what to ask God for, because I had no idea what the next step could possibly be.
All I could pray was "God we need You. Please come quickly. Come now."
And sometimes that is enough.
I stalled and moved slowly, not sure what to say or when to say it. I didn't doubt God would be there. I was just too tired to think about what He might be up to.
I expected sadness and discouragement.
But God showed up.
In fact, He had already been at work, going before me, preparing the way.
The news that hit me hard? Well, God buffered it for her. Even she was surprised at her positive reaction.
She said she thought God was with her right then. And He was—right there with both of us.
God at work.
Knowing what I had prayed and seeing how He wasn't sitting idle, but had shown up just as I had asked—that was an undeniable blessing.
And I was in awe.
He allowed me to witness the way He was weaving the details together...details I didn't know how to handle. And, as it turns out, I didn't have to.
He allowed me to witness the way He was weaving the details together...details I didn't know how to handle. And, as it turns out, I didn't have to.
Where over the past weeks, I had prayed for wisdom and God had supplied, this time, God took care of it before I tried to.
Just as He had already planned to do, I'm sure.
back, has there been a time you were in awe of the way God put details of a
situation together before you could figure out what to do?
Have there been times in your life when you
didn't know what you needed, but you only knew you needed God to show
In Christ,
Linking up with #TellHisStory, #RaRaLinkup, Thought Provoking Thursday, Playdates with God, Testimony Tuesday, Coffee for Your Heart, Everyday Jesus, Grace & Truth, Blessing Counters, Faith Filled Friday